
Accordion tutorials, tips, sheet music, and more. Take a look around and learn about this magnificent instrument. Or not.

Reasons You Should Play Accordion

It gets you laid. What more can I say?

My Accordions

My Ambassador accordion that I got from some guy in Arcadia for $200. It is in perfect condition aside from the fact that the D° and B7 bass buttons get stuck when pressed and a few other minor issues that can easily be ignored. Has a really good smell to it :)

That is the only accordion I have at the moment :(

Send any unwanted accordions to my house please



Sheet Music


Cool Accordion People

These people helped/inspired me on my journey to becoming an accordionist. Check 'em out


Lucy Riddett

Ronen (Moshe Zuchter)

Squeeze & Thanks

Dale Mathis

Weird Al

They Might Be Giants