
Accordion tutorials, tips, sheet music, and more. Take a look around and learn about this magnificent instrument. Or not.

Reasons You Should Play Accordion

It gets you laid. What more can I say?

My Accordions

My Ambassador accordion that I bought from some guy in Arcadia for $200. I have no idea how old it is. It is in perfect condition aside from the fact that the D° and B7 buttons get stuck when pressed and a few other minor issues.

I made the common mistake of thinking this would be a good starting point. This accordion was unplayable within a week of using it and was too small for my adult-sized hands. Please save your money for an actual instrument.

Accordion Wishlist

This keytar would be perfect for me because I want to have the ability to play piano, organ, and synths on accordion. I think I would prefer this over the Roland V-Accordions because this looks cooler to play.

I really realy really want a Main Squeeze. It's nice and compact and the sound is really lovely and I really want to be John Linnell.

I'll gladly take any accordion with register switches beyond clarinet and bandoneon.



Sheet Music


Cool Accordion People

These people helped/inspired me on my journey to becoming an accordionist


Lucy Riddett

Ronen (Moshe Zuchter)

Squeeze & Thanks

Dale Mathis

Weird Al

They Might Be Giants