
This page lists every Pokemon team I have ever used. Click here to go back.

Current Members:

Gaylord the Decidueye

Nature: Hardy

Ability: Overgrow

Moves: Spirit Shackle, Leaf Blade, Synthesis, Brave Bird

Met at level 5 at Route 1

Good perseverance

Ballz O' Steel the Magnezone

Nature: Lax

Ability: Magnet Pull

Moves: Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Discharge, Tri Attack

Met at level 9 at Hau'oli City

Likes to fight

Ballz O' Steal the Drifblim

Nature: Mild

Ability: Unburden

Moves: Baton Pass, Minimize, Shadow Ball, Gust

Met at level 7 at Hau'oli Cemetery

Strong willed

Cha the Hawlucha

Nature: Brave

Ability: Unburden

Moves: Swords Dance, Rock Tomb, Flying Press, Sky Attack

Met at level 8 at Route 2's Pokemon Center

Likes to thrash about

Greg the Golisopod

Nature: Lax

Ability: Emergency Exit

Moves: Liquidation, Iron Defense, Leech Life, First Impression

Met at level 19 at Route 18

Highly curious

Mr. Belding the Metagross

Nature: Bold

Ability: Clear Body

Moves: Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Meteor Mash, Hammer Arm

Met at level 27 at Mount Hokulani

Highly curious

Completion Status: Beat Elite 4 & Hau

Current Members:

J. Christ the Klinklang

Nature: Mild

Ability: Minus

Moves: Charge, Metal Sound, Gear Grind, Discharge

Met at level 25 at Chargestone Cave

Alert to sounds

Satan the Chandelure

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Flame Body

Moves: Will-O-Wisp, Flame Burst, Inferno, Hex

Met at level 29 at Celestial Tower

Highly persistent

Lugia the Scolipede

Nature: Lax

Ability: Swarm

Moves: Steamroller, Iron Defense, Venoshock, Toxic

Met at level 15 at Pinwheel Forest

Good perseverance

Kyogre the Sawk

Nature: Quiet

Ability: Sturdy

Moves: Karate Chop, Brick Break, Dig, Close Combat

Met at level 12 at Pinwheel Forest

Quick to flee

Ballz the Ferrothorn

Nature: Bashful

Ability: Iron Barbs

Moves: Iron Defense, Power Whip, Flash Cannon, Gyro Ball

Met at level 24 at Chargestone Cave

Quick to flee

Regirock the Gigalith

Nature: Lax

Ability: Sturdy

Moves: Mud-Slap, Iron Defense, Stone Edge, Power Gem

Met at level 10 at Wellspring Cave

Loves to eat

Former Members:

Mewtwo the Servine

Nature: Hasty

Ability: Overgrow

Moves: Leech Seed, Leaf Tornado, Grass Knot, Growth

Met at level 5 at Nuvema Town

Strong willed

God the Panpour

Nature: Bold

Ability: Gluttony

Moves: Bite, Leer, Lick, Scald

Met at level 10 at Dreamyard

Likes to run

Rayquaza the Yamask

Nature: Sassy

Ability: Mummy

Moves: Haze, Ominous Wind, Hex, Will-O-Wisp

Met at level 21 at Relic Castle

Sturdy body

My Ride the Tranquill

Nature: Docile

Ability: Big Pecks

Moves: Air Cutter, Roost, Detect, Fly

Met at level 30 at Dragonspiral Tower

Strong willed

Completion Status: Beat Ghetsis